Our community partner, Southern Peninsula Community Support (SPCS) is calling for specialist volunteers to assist with their work.

As the weather cools and demand grows for emergency relief and intervention, SPCS CEO Jeremy Maxwell and his team need more volunteers in the role of Community Support Workers.

Community Support Workers interview clients to provide support, information, referral and Emergency Relief services.

Jeremy says, “This is a specialised role, it isn’t for everyone because it can be very confronting being with people in distress and to work out the best supports to offer them takes time. We offer specialised training that includes 36 hours of study and 14 hours placement here.”

If you’d like to learn more about SPCS you can join one of their tours held most Tuesdays throughout the year. The tour starts at 9.30am and goes for an hour, you’ll hear first-hand how your support makes a difference.

You’ll get to see what SPCS does, why they do it and why they’re different to other food and material aid programs. For more information about volunteering or to join a tour phone 5986 1285 or email admin@spcsic.org. You can also visit their website here.

With generous donor partnerships, MPF supports the Family Support Service, the Southern Peninsula Laundry and Shower and Homeless Connections. All vitally important programs that fill major gaps in the service sector. Understanding this work reinforces our commitment to addressing systemic failures in education through our partnerships with local pre, primary and secondary schools.